Comments: I'm very grateful for the opportunity to have possibly become a Mason.
Added: August 30, 2022
Submitted by Name: Cristiano Oliveira da Silva From: Brazil, State of Pará E-mail:
Comments: Greetings from Belém do Pará - Brazil, I actually Grand Secretary from my Grand Lodge of State of Pará and i enjoyed your website and learn much more about PHGL of Florida, I'll offcially send a request of recognition from my Grand Lodge
Sincerelly and Fraternally
R.W. Bro. Cristiano Oliveira da Silva Grand Secretary M.W. Grand Lodge of State of Pará - Brazil
Comments: I am in Naples, FL, and I am glad to get in touch also with Brothers of Prince Hall G.'. L.'.. Sincerely and Fraternally Armando
Added: March 31, 2022
Submitted by Name: Andre Lamar Mills From: san diego ca E-mail:
Comments: I look forward to speaking with and possibly fellowship with you all! I joined in San Diego and was a Scottish Rite Freemason EA and I want to know how I become PH Freemason
Added: March 1, 2022
Submitted by Name: Bishop Felton Coley Jr From: Greensboro NC E-mail:
Comments: Greetings! I was a member of Howard Hearst Lodge #632 (93) when I was stationed in Miami. FL (Coast Guard). I just wanted to reach you all and let you know how much Howard Hearst Lodge #632 was an influence in my journey in the ministry. Thank you brothers for help setting the path in my journey.
Bishop Coley USCG Retired
Added: October 15, 2021
Submitted by Name: DeVaric N Mott Sr From: Jacksonville FL E-mail:
Comments: Hello I came to get more information about becoming one of the enlightened brothers. I look forward to speaking with and possibly fellowship with you all!
Added: September 18, 2021
Submitted by Name: Sid’ Mohammed Saeed Ibrahim From: Australia Melbourne E-mail:
Comments: Greetings MWUGL of Fl. Appreciate your work, Thank You, Sincerely Sid’ Mohammed Saeed Ahmed Abraham Youssouf Shamir IBRAHIM
Added: September 14, 2021
Submitted by Name: George C Richwine From: Jacksonville, FL E-mail:
Comments: In respectful admiration of, and thankful appreciation for, the inspirational Mr Sollie Mitchell.
Should an opportunity present itself, I would be most honored to admiringly meet Mr Mitchell.
Name: Kelvin Woodard
From: Clinton, SC
I would love to be a brother and want to know more about the brotherhood.