In the midst of life, we are in death, and the wisest cannot know what a day may bring forth. We live but to see those we love passing away into the silent land.
Let us be comforted by the reflection that their memories will not be forgotten; that they will still be loved by those who are soon to follow them; that in our archives their names are written; and that in our hearts there is still a place for them. And so, trusting in the infinite love and tender mercy of Him without whose knowledge not even a sparrow falls, let us prepare to meet them where there is no parting, and where with them we shall enjoy eternal rest.
The will of God is accomplished. So mote it be. Amen.
In Loving Memory
Of Those Grand Lodge Officers who have served this Most Worshipful Grand Lodge with Distinction
PM William D. Wims, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Elvin J. Parker III |
Honorary Past Grand Master Sollie Mitchell
PM Dwight Grant Reynolds
Honorary Past Grand Master Philip Robinson
Right Worshipful Sandy Washington
The Honorable Lee B. Carter
The Honorable Dr. Henry Simmons